
The English Language Enhancement and Academic Preparation (ELEAP) course is designed for students at an intermediate English level or higher who have a specific academic area of study or interest and aim to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Improve reading skills and sub-skills (Exposure to academic English text content and discipline specific vocabulary e.g., Agriculture and Bioresources)
  • Improve and develop writing skills and sub-skills (Practice writing for academic purposes and improve comprehension)
  • Improve conversational and speaking academic skills (Demonstrate confidence initiating conversations in classroom and professional settings)
  • Improve academic listening skills and subskills (Increase comprehension of English when listening to academic texts, following direction, and understanding process)
  • Improve listening (Increase comprehension of English when listening to lectures as well as peers in class)
  • Experience campus/local tours related to the host college programming
  • Develop test preparation skills in key areas to attain scores sufficient for entry to university study

The final class in all E-LEAP programs offers a capstone of your selection. Some former programs have requested the following:

  • Application clinic where Recruitment and Admissions staff assist with the submission of an academic application to USask
  • Academic presentation seminar where students present on their experience in E-LEAP or, a topic of choice
  • Attendance at a regular university class lecture to apply listening skills and to improve note-taking and gain feedback from the Language Centre instructor

Contact Us

University of Saskatchewan Language Centre

232 R.J.D. Williams Building
221 Cumberland Ave. N.
Saskatoon, SK  CANADA S7N 1M3
